1. The Help client is the Help viewer
application that requests and displays documentation and gets installed with
the Microsoft Dynamics AX client application.
2. The Help server responds to the Help
viewer request for documentation. In addition, the Help server stores the files
that contain the Help documentation.
This Server-client Help system does not supply Help documentation for
Enterprise Portal. You will have to install Enterprise Search to support help
documentation for EP.
information about Ax 2012 Help server which is good to know:
you can initiate a help request from either the client or developer workspace
by pressing F1 /button / via command.
client identifies the Help topic to retrieve. To identify the documentation for
the form from where Help is initiated, the documentation has an ID property
that has the same value as the ID of the form.
client retrieves the URL of the Help web service. The first time that you
request help, the client contacts the AOS to retrieve the URL of the help web
service. The client then caches the URL and uses the cached URL for additional
help requests.
client calls the Help viewer. If the Help viewer is not running, the viewer is
started. The call to the Help viewer includes the URL of the help server and
the ID of the form.
can be updated/modified under path AX2012 > System Administration > Setup
> System > Help system parameters.
How to
Install the Help server:
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup. Under
Install, select Microsoft Dynamics AX components.Advance through the initial
wizard pages.
2. On the Select installation type page,
click Custom installation, and then click Next.On the Select components page,
select Help Server, and then click Next.
3. Check for prerequisites, When no errors
remain, click Next.
4. On the Connect to an AOS instance page,
enter the name of the computer that is running AOS and other port. Click
Next.Note that, If you entered AOS information for other Microsoft Dynamics AX
components that you have installed on this computer, this screen is not
5. On the Configure a Web site for Help
Server page, select the web site that you have chosen to host the Help server.
Verify that the location of the physical directory for the web site is
displayed. Click Next.
6. On the Specify the Help Server account
page, enter a domain user account and password.This account must be the same as
the .NET Business Connector proxy account for the AOS, and it must be a user in
Microsoft Dynamics AX. This should be a service account that does not expire.
Click Next.
7. On the Language and content selection
page, select the Help languages and content types to install. EN-US must be
installed, and is checked by default. Click Next.
8. On the Prerequisite Validation page,
resolve any errors.
One possible
error which you might observe when you have SharePoint / Enterprise portal
already installed in the machine is shown below:
Error: Web
site (Help Server) is shown because the Default web site is not started. And
this could be because SharePoint installation has taken over the Port 80 and
kicked off the Default web site.
Solution: Go
to IISManager (inetmgr) and then Edit bindings for the Default site to change
the port number from 80 to something else (say 81).
After doing
so, you can start the Website. This should resolve the issue shown above.
9. When no errors remain, click Next.
10. On the Ready to install page, click
Install.After the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.
After the
Microsoft Dynamics AX Help files are installed, they must be indexed by Windows
Search Service before you can view them. Depending on system load and the
number of files, it may take up to an hour for indexing to finish.
information on how to Install the help server [AX 2012]
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