Alfasith AX

Alfasith AX
اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Showing posts with label Form work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Form work. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

How to get navigation path in Dynamic AX


Please note that there is no navigation path as I highlighted. 
 2.Go to concern menu and select particular menu.
 3. Change the properties as Yes to IsDisplayedInContentArea
4.Then Look like this as per the menu position.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Adding image through external resource for Dynamic AX 2012

How to use resource files in Axapta

In AOT, you can find resources node

Select resources node and right click; select Create from File, specify the file location for the new resource 

file. After that you can use this resource file in Axapta without specifying an absolute file path in your 

local/server system.

First, pick up the resource node from AOT;


Then generate a temporary file for this resource file;

Finally specify the temporary file path for controls. 

Here comes an example to show how to use a resource file as a background image of  a given form. 

ResourceNode            resourceNode;
FilePath  imagename;
resourceNode = SysResource::getResourceNode(resourcestr(ResourceName));
if (resourceNode)
resourceNode. AOTload();
imagename =  SysResource::saveToTempFile(resourceNode);
throw Error(“No file exists.”); 


You can try "Resources" node to achieve your requirement.
Just Add a new resources under "Resources" node in AOT, than use following X++ code to access that image..

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vertical splitter in forms (Dynamic AX 2012)


1. Create a group inside the main group
note: between the two groups

2. In property window of that group
Autodeclaration  :Yes
Style  : SplitterVerticalContainer

3.In the class declaration of that form use below code
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    SysFormSplitter_X    m_vSplitter;

4. In the init method of the form use below code pattern

public void init()
    m_vSplitter = new SysFormSplitter_X(vSplitter, gridContainer, element);

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Display message when empty report "No data found in SSRS"


In the property window os Visual studio (SSRS) check 'NoRowsMessage' property for tablix. You can set this property to show a custom message when no row is returned.

NORowsMessage = "No data available for current filter selection" //user defined msg that is to be displayed
You can also specify the specific font style like size, color, format etc.

Add a text box with expression =IIF(Count(<SomeId Field>,"DataSet1")=0,"No Data Returned", nothing)


set the visibility of this textbox as =IIF(Count(<SomeId Field>,"DataSet1")=0,False,True)

In the table header (header fields), use expression for each of the column headers to Set the visibility to false so that the end user won’t be able to see the table header when there is no data.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Send task msg from current outlook in Dynamic AX


static void AppointmentFrom
Outlook(Args _args)
   COM    sysOutlookCollection;
   COM    receipiants;
   COM    collection;
   COMVariant comStartDate = new COMVariant();
   COMVariant comEndDate  = new COMVariant();
   COM    c;
   COM    sysOutlook;
   COM    sysOutlookNameSpace;
   COM    sysOutlookMAPIFolder;
 sysOutlook                       = new COM(#outlook);
sysOutlookNameSpace     = sysOutlook.getNamespace(#mapi);
sysOutlookMAPIFolder    = sysOutlookNameSpace.getDefaultFolder(#OlDefaultFolders_olFolderTasks);
collection         = sysOutlookMAPIFolder.items();
 c = collection.add();;
   comStartDate.time(str2Time( "12:00:00"));;
   comEndDate.time(str2Time( "12:15:00"));
   c.subject("This is the subject");
   c.body("Body of that msg");;
   if (c)
     receipiants = c.Recipients();
     info("Success msg in AX");
   throw error("@SYS31969");

Friday, September 6, 2013

Validate an enum in Dynamic AX

Validate an enum

 if(NetOccupied.valueStr() == enum2str(NetOccupied::Vacant))

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

lookup with joinning 2 tables in Dynamic AX

Implement this code in the lookup() method of the field where you need the lookup to be displayed.

NS: The same code can be written in three places to achieve the lookup.
1) Under AOT->Table->Method and cal this method from the form design where you want to display the lookup.
2) Form->Datasource->Table->Field->method
3) Form->Design->Field->Method.

public void lookup()
Query query = new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryBuildDataSource QbdsJoin;

// Instantiate sysTableLookup object using table which will provide the visible fields
SysTableLookup sysTableLookup = sysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(TableName), this);

// Create the query.
qbds= query.addDataSource(tableNum(TableName));
qbds.addRange(fieldNum(TableName, FieldName)).value('Value');

//Join Table
QbdsJoin= qbds.addDataSource(tableNum(TableName2));
QbdsJoin.addRange(fieldNum(TableName2, Fieldname)).value('Value');

// Set the query to be used by the lookup form

// Specify the fields to show in the form.
sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(TableName, FiledName));
sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldId2Ext(fieldNum(TableName, Dimension), 1));

// Perform the lookup

Retrieving / getting System Date and time in Dynamic AX


        TableName.FieldName= DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
         StringEditName = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();


Validating two date fields in Dynamic AX


1.Create two fields as UtcDateTimeEdit of table TableName
2.Name it InTime and OutTime.
3.In the init() of that datasource or form depends on requirements.

    TableName.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
    TableName.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
//here making the system date and time to the that field.

3.Override the modified method by modified each of the fields.

public boolean modified()
    boolean ret;

    ret = super();

    if(SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime > SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime)
        warning("In time cannot be greater than Out time");
        SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
        SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();

    return ret;

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Creating the Query in job - Dynamic AX

static void CustTableSales1(Args _args)

    Query       query;
    QueryRun    queryrun;
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbds1,qbds2;
    QueryBuildRange         qbr1,qbr2;
    CustTable               custTable;
    query   = new query();
    qbds1   =   query.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable));
    qbr1    = qbds1.addRange(fieldnum(custTable,custGroup));
    qbr2    =  qbds1.addRange(fieldnum(custTable,Blocked));
    qbds2   = qbds1.addDataSource(tablenum(SalesTable));
    queryrun    = new queryrun(query);
        custTable   = queryrun.get(tablenum(custTable));
        info(strfmt('%1 – %2',custtable.AccountNum,;

//Another sample code///

Query                   query; 
QueryRun                queryRun; 
QueryBuildDataSource    queryBuildDataSource; 
QueryBuildRange         queryBuildRange; 
CustTable               custTable; 
query = new Query(); 
queryBuildDataSource = query.addDataSource(TableNum(CustTable)); 
queryBuildRange = queryBuildDataSource.addRange(FieldNum(CustTable,AccountNum)); 
queryRun = new queryRun(query); 
if (queryRun.prompt()) 
    while ( 
        custTable = queryRun.get(TableNum(CustTable)); 
        print custTable.AccountNum; 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Difference between two dates in days in Dynamic AX

To get the difference between two dates in dynamics ax just convert the dates into numbers and subtract one from the other. The result would be the amount of days between these dates.

today() - mkdate(31,01,2011) ;
days = date2num(Date123) - date2num(Date234);
TblName.FieldName= date2num(today()) - date2num(AnotherTblName.DatefeildName);

days = date2num(Date123) - date2num(Date234);

To get the difference between two DateTime Values just use the DateTimeUtil Class. The result is the difference in seconds. So just divide these through #secondsPerDay and you'll get the days


days = DateTimeutil::getDifference(DateTime123, DateTime234) / #secondsPerDay;
date2num(systemdateget()) - date2num(;
static void DateDiff(Args _args)
    TransDate   d1,d2;
    int daysdiff;
    d1  = 31\12\2010;
    d2  = today();
    daysDiff = d2 - d1;
Or just override the field in datasource level as modified()

tablename.fieldName3 = tablename.fieldName2 - tablename.fieldName1;
filedName1 - Out put field,
filedName2 - To date field,
filedName2 - from date field,

Saturday, July 13, 2013

File Handling in Dynamic AX

Writing to a Text File
static void textFileWrite(Args _args)
TextBuffer tb = new TextBuffer();
tb.appendText(“Hello World!”);
tb.appendText(“\nWelcome to MIT”);
Reading from a Text File
static void textFileRead(Args _args)
TextBuffer tb = new TextBuffer();
info(“No file exists”);
Writing to a CSV File
static void cSVFileWrite(Args _args)
CommaIO commaIO;
Container readCon;
FileIOPermission fio;
FileDemo ct;
commaIO = new CommaIO(“c:\\FileDemo.csv”, “w”);
while select ct
Reading from a CSV File
static void cSVFileRead(Args _args)
CommaIO commaIO;
Container readCon;
FileIOPermission fio;
FileDemo ct;
throw error(“File not available”);
fio = new FileIOPermission(“c:\\FileDemo.csv”, “r”);
commaIO = new CommaIO(“c:\\FileDemo.csv”, “r”);
while(CommaIO.status() == IO_Status::Ok)
readCon =;
if(conlen(readcon) > 0)
ct.Id = conpeek(readcon, 1);
ct.Name = conpeek(readcon, 2);
Writing to a XML File
static void writeXML(Args _args)
XMLTextWriter xw;
FileDemo ct;
xw = XMLTextWriter::newFile(“c:\\FileDemo.xml”);
while select ct
Reading from a XML File
static void readingXML(Args _args)
XMLDocument xmlDoc = XMLDocument::newFile(“c:\\FileDemo.xml”);
int i, nooftags;
nooftags = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(“CustomerDetails”).length();
for(i=0; i<nooftags; i++)
info(strfmt(“%1″, xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Id”).item(i).text()));
info(strfmt(“%1″, xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(“Name”).item(i).text()));
static void TableData_to_File(Args _args)
commaIO commaIO;
container readLine;
CustTable k;
FileIOPermission fio;
FileName nameOfTheFile = “c:\\anil.txt”; //csv
fio = new FileIOPermission(nameOfTheFile, ‘w’);// read – r, write – w, append – a
fio.assert(); // demand
commaIO = new commaIO(nameOfTheFile,’w');
commaIO.outFieldDelimiter(‘,’); // \t | // outFieldDelimiter
commaIo.outRecordDelimiter(‘\r\n’); // OutRecorDelimiter
commaIO.writeExp(["Accno", "AccountStatement", "CommissionGroup","DefaultDimention"]);
while select k
static void TableDataFrom_File(Args _args)
commaIO commaIO;
container readLine;
Tab2 k;
FileIOPermission fio;
FileName nameOfTheFile = “c:\\anil.txt”; //csv
if (winapi::fileExists(nameOfTheFile) == false)
throw error(strfmt(“file %1 not found”, nameOfTheFile) );
fio = new FileIOPermission(nameOfTheFile, ‘r’);// read – r, write – w, append – a
fio.assert(); // demand
commaIO = new commaIO(nameOfTheFile,’r');
commaIO.inFieldDelimiter(‘,’); // \t – tab, | // outFieldDelimiter
commaIo.inRecordDelimiter(‘\r\n’); // OutRecorDelimiter – read line by line
while(commaIO.status() == IO_status::Ok)
readLine =; //writeExp
if (conlen(readLine) > 1) // check whether there are values in the next line
k.Address = conpeek(readLine,1);
k.DName = conpeek(readLine, 2);

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Passing the records between the forms Dynamic AX

1.       Create a formA with datasource as CustTable and grid in the design with the same datasource and one button.
2.       Overrode the clicked method of button in FormA
void Clicked()
Args    _args;
FormRun _formRun;
AccountNum      _accountNum;
_accountNum = CustTable.AccountNum;  // Selected AccountNum in the Grid is assigned to the variable which is pass to the next form
_args = new Args(); // creating a object for args class;  // Form Menuitem
_args.caller(this);  // Form Caller(Current Form is mentioned as this)
_args.parm(_accountNum); // Employee Number is passed to next form[but parm() is not a best practise]
_args.record(CustTable); // Table name is passed
_formRun = ClassFactory.formRunClass(_args); //new FormRun(_args);   // Creating object for FormRun
_formRun.init();   // Form Initialization for Load;  // Form Run for process
_formRun.wait(); // Form Wait for Display

4.       Create another formB with same as formA design.
5.       Override the init() of the formB
public void init()
parmid      _parmId;
CustTable   _CustTable;
//     DictTable   _dictTable;    FormBuildDataSource   _ds;    FormBuildGridControl frmGrid; // These are for dynamicForm creation so leave it
_parmId =  element.args().parm(); // Getting the argument value from the Caller
if(!element.args().caller())   // Check the form is called by caller or directly, if directly it throw error
throw error('Cant Run Directly');
if(element.args().record().TableId == tablenum(CustTable))   // check if the sent Table and the Current form table are equal or not
//        _EmplTable = element.args().record();  // Assign the Received Table name to Local Variable
//_dictTable = new DictTable(element.args().record().TableId);  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds = form.addDataSource(;  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds.table(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid = form.addControl(FormControlType::Grid, “Grid”);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid.dataSource(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//info(strfmt(“%1     %2″,_EmplTable.EmplId,_EmplTable.DEL_Name));
//frmGrid.addDataField(,fieldnum(EmplTable, DEL_Name));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplID));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
super();  // Form Initialization
info('DataSet Not Received');  // throw error
6.       Override the init() of the datasource of the form table that we used  ie CustTable
public void init()
    Query               query;
    QueryBuildRange     queryBuildRangeProj;
switch(element.args().dataset())// get the table id sent by caller
case tablenum(CustTable):  // check the table if matches with this tableid
_AccountNum  =   element.args().parm();  // get the argument value
 query   = new Query();
queryBuildRangeProj = query.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable)).addRange(fieldnum(CustTable,AccountNum));          // query build for the form to display
queryBuildRangeProj.value(_accountNum); // Criteria for the form
CustTable_ds.query(query); // execution of the query
super(); //datasource  initialization on the form based on the criteria
7.       In the class declaration of the form
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl msCtrl;
    AccountNum   _accountNum   ;


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Number Sequence in Dynamic AX (for Form level)

1. Create EDT
2. Use that EDT in the Table where it is required
3. Select the Class module which you going to implement this Number seq.
//Consider if we want for HRM then “NumberSeqModuleHRM” class is the target.
//Add below code in the loadModule()
            protected void loadModule()
     NumberSeqDatatype datatype = NumberSeqDatatype::construct();
//Added by Alfasith
//your EDT
//Your label
//(This 15 is the next number that already in that default list)
     datatype.addParameterType(NumberSeqParameterType::DataArea, true, false);
    //code end

4. Select the concern table. Create new methods as below
Here we take HRMParameters table 
// table on which that number seq is going to generate.

static client server NumberSequenceReference customer()
    return NumberSeqReference::findReference(extendedtypenum(customerID));//Your EDT name

5. Create a new job with the following code and run it:

static void NumberSeqLoadAll(Args _args)

6. ( Control + W )
Select Organization administration-> Number Sequence-> Number Sequence
Select the module //here we select Human Resources
Select the EDT you created //Surly that EDT you created will be appear here.

7. Create a new job with the following code and run it:
static void NetvendNumberSeq(Args _args)
    NumberSeq  numberSeq;
    StudentID num;
    numberSeq = NumberSeq::newGetNum(VendParameters::student());
    num = numberSeq.num();

8. Select the Form on which that table is required.
Drop the table in to that form Data Source.

8(a). ClassDeclaration. Write the below code.

public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler;
8(b). Create new method

NumberSeqFormHandler numberSeqFormHandler()
    if (!numberSeqFormHandler)
       numberSeqFormHandler = NumberSeqFormHandler::newForm(NetRMSParameters::customer().NumberSequenceId,
                                                             fieldNum(Table2, customerID)
    return numberSeqFormHandler;

8(c). Override the datasource methods of that table with following method in that form.
public void delete()
public void write()
public void create(boolean _append = false)


Passing parameter between forms and Create reports using Multi select lookup

1.Create formA like
Note : FormA contains multiple select lookup so it has features of getting the multiple Account Number;
Main class is modified as below in the FormA

public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl msCtrl;
//in the init method of FormA.
public void init()
    // AccountNum - Name of control on which you want a lookup.
   // CustQry - Query to get the lookup data of that required table
    msCtrl = SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl::construct(element, AccountNum, querystr(CustQry));
//in the button clicked() in FormA.

void clicked()
    // Args class is usually used in Axapta for passing parameters between forms
    Args            args;
    FormRun         formRun;
    container contain;
    str        containstr;

    args = new args();

    // Our values which we want to pass to FormB
    // If we want pass just simple string we can use 'parm' method of 'Args' class
    contain = [AccountNum.valueStr()];
    containstr = con2Str(contain);

    // Run FormB;
    formRun = classFactory.formRunClass(Args);



2.Create FormB as like this

On clicking of the above FormA “Clickhere” that concern AccountNum details will be depicted in grid
//in the FormB Class declaration
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    container       contain;
    str CompanyId;
/ in the init() of that fornB
public void init()
    str             tmp;
    // Check for passed arguments
    if( element.args() )
        contain = str2con(element.args().parm());
        //Now receive the container multiple value with separater as ";" to replace with ","
In the Data source of the FormB drop the CustTable and in the executeQuerry() of that datasource
//This makes the grid to reflect with reference to the StringEdit that we added as the range to the grid.
public void executeQuery()
3.Onclicking of “Cust report Generator” that concern report will be generated like this.

//here you find the change In the image that is because of the company image.

Get a table ID in SQL - D365

Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where  SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,