Alfasith AX

Alfasith AX
اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Passing the records between the forms Dynamic AX

1.       Create a formA with datasource as CustTable and grid in the design with the same datasource and one button.
2.       Overrode the clicked method of button in FormA
void Clicked()
Args    _args;
FormRun _formRun;
AccountNum      _accountNum;
_accountNum = CustTable.AccountNum;  // Selected AccountNum in the Grid is assigned to the variable which is pass to the next form
_args = new Args(); // creating a object for args class;  // Form Menuitem
_args.caller(this);  // Form Caller(Current Form is mentioned as this)
_args.parm(_accountNum); // Employee Number is passed to next form[but parm() is not a best practise]
_args.record(CustTable); // Table name is passed
_formRun = ClassFactory.formRunClass(_args); //new FormRun(_args);   // Creating object for FormRun
_formRun.init();   // Form Initialization for Load;  // Form Run for process
_formRun.wait(); // Form Wait for Display

4.       Create another formB with same as formA design.
5.       Override the init() of the formB
public void init()
parmid      _parmId;
CustTable   _CustTable;
//     DictTable   _dictTable;    FormBuildDataSource   _ds;    FormBuildGridControl frmGrid; // These are for dynamicForm creation so leave it
_parmId =  element.args().parm(); // Getting the argument value from the Caller
if(!element.args().caller())   // Check the form is called by caller or directly, if directly it throw error
throw error('Cant Run Directly');
if(element.args().record().TableId == tablenum(CustTable))   // check if the sent Table and the Current form table are equal or not
//        _EmplTable = element.args().record();  // Assign the Received Table name to Local Variable
//_dictTable = new DictTable(element.args().record().TableId);  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds = form.addDataSource(;  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//_ds.table(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid = form.addControl(FormControlType::Grid, “Grid”);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//frmGrid.dataSource(;   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//info(strfmt(“%1     %2″,_EmplTable.EmplId,_EmplTable.DEL_Name));
//frmGrid.addDataField(,fieldnum(EmplTable, DEL_Name));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_EmplId.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplID));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Name.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));  // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataSource(_EmplTable);   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
//        EmplTable_DEL_Email.dataField(fieldnum(EmplTable,EmplId));   // leave it , is used for Dynamic Form Creation
super();  // Form Initialization
info('DataSet Not Received');  // throw error
6.       Override the init() of the datasource of the form table that we used  ie CustTable
public void init()
    Query               query;
    QueryBuildRange     queryBuildRangeProj;
switch(element.args().dataset())// get the table id sent by caller
case tablenum(CustTable):  // check the table if matches with this tableid
_AccountNum  =   element.args().parm();  // get the argument value
 query   = new Query();
queryBuildRangeProj = query.addDataSource(tablenum(CustTable)).addRange(fieldnum(CustTable,AccountNum));          // query build for the form to display
queryBuildRangeProj.value(_accountNum); // Criteria for the form
CustTable_ds.query(query); // execution of the query
super(); //datasource  initialization on the form based on the criteria
7.       In the class declaration of the form
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
    SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl msCtrl;
    AccountNum   _accountNum   ;



  1. In order for this to work Super() should be called before switch(element.args().dataset()) in the init method of the formdatasource.


Get a table ID in SQL - D365

Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where  SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,