Alfasith AX

Alfasith AX
اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Unretrieved Values in Grid AX 2012


You may face this kind of error / bugs during newly added fields to the table.

Case 1:
If the record is Unretrieved in table level-  Sync issue
Right click and select synchronize that concern table.

Case 2:
If it not let you to open that table
Synchronize entire AOT.

Case 3.
If it says Unretrieved Values in Grid
Restart the AOS.

Thanks & Regards,

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Get a table ID in SQL - D365

Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where  SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,