Alfasith AX

Alfasith AX
اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Form controls belong to one of three groups, depending on their data source as follows:
  • ·         Bound control – associated with a field in an underlying table. Use bound controls to display, enter, and update values from fields in the database.
  • ·         Unbound control – does not have a data source. Use unbound controls to display pictures and static text.
  • ·         Calculated controls – uses a method as the data source. An example of a calculated control is the sum of two fields on a form.

 Example for Unbound Control
—->Here roles(Purpose) is a StringEdit control in the form. For this control, we should get the Drop down for selecting the Purpose
—-> Here the data we r getting from the lookup is not from the Datasource,that’s y we call this control as UNBOUND Controls
 SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl   rolesCtrl;
rolesCtrl = SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl::construct(element, roles, queryStr(LogisticsLocationRolePostalLookup), true, [tableNum(LogisticsLocationRoleTranslation), fieldNum(LogisticsLocationRoleTranslation, Description)]);

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Get a table ID in SQL - D365

Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where  SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,