DP - PurchPurchseOrderDP
Contract - PurchPurchaseOrderContract
Controller - PurchPurchaseOrderController.
Temporary Header table - PurchPurchaseOrderHeader
(Its not tempDB but the records will be deleted once the transaction completes)
Temporary lines table - PurchPurchaseOrderTmp
Details about DP and uses of main method
in lines table standard passes the values by 1 to 1 relation where as in header by insert_recordset technique fetching from PurchTable
DP - PurchPurchseOrderDP
Contract - PurchPurchaseOrderContract
Controller - PurchPurchaseOrderController.
Temporary Header table - PurchPurchaseOrderHeader
(Its not tempDB but the records will be deleted once the transaction completes)
Temporary lines table - PurchPurchaseOrderTmp
Details about DP and uses of main method
(Not all the method I explained only mandatory methods)
Method | Description |
setPurchPurchaseOrderDetails | Inserts the record field data into the temporary table. (Here I added my customized line fields in to the table) |
setPurchPurchaseOrderHeader | Inserts common data into the template table buffer. |