AX - Primitive and composite
1) int [32]
2) int 64 - long int [ credit card numbers, debit card numbers]
3) real - decimal points example : 12346.00 [12 digits]
4) str - sequence of characters [ lengTH - 10]
5) Base Enums: enumerations [ fixed set of constants/literals]
- constant - will never change
example : week [ sunday 0, m1, t 2, we 3, thu 4, fri 5, sat 6]
Year [j........d]
gender [ m, f, uk]
enum value starts with 0
Largest value it can hold is 250
6) Date - in order to hold any date values [mm/dd/yyyy], dd/mm/yyyy 20-Aug-2010
7) Time - integer
8) DateTime - 12/23/2011 2:00:05 PM
9) 5.0 version of AX - utcDateTime - Universal time control data time
example: if you do the transaction @ 6 PM IST - the transactions transaction can be see @ 8:30 AM EST in US.
10) GUID - Global unique identifier - 24 digit hexa decimal number which system will generate automatically
example : 23hgdh-12321h-12nb23-haifa9
Composite data types:
1) Arrays - collection of similar datatypes:
1) Index starts with 1
str names[11]; //static array
// dynamic array str names[]
names[1] = "Kabir";
names[2] = "Khan";
names[8] = "Alfasith";
2) Containers :
Large objects[BLOB] - Images, files, pdfs, vidoes etc
AX - Primitive and composite
1) int [32]
2) int 64 - long int [ credit card numbers, debit card numbers]
3) real - decimal points example : 12346.00 [12 digits]
4) str - sequence of characters [ lengTH - 10]
5) Base Enums: enumerations [ fixed set of constants/literals]
- constant - will never change
example : week [ sunday 0, m1, t 2, we 3, thu 4, fri 5, sat 6]
Year [j........d]
gender [ m, f, uk]
enum value starts with 0
Largest value it can hold is 250
6) Date - in order to hold any date values [mm/dd/yyyy], dd/mm/yyyy 20-Aug-2010
7) Time - integer
8) DateTime - 12/23/2011 2:00:05 PM
9) 5.0 version of AX - utcDateTime - Universal time control data time
example: if you do the transaction @ 6 PM IST - the transactions transaction can be see @ 8:30 AM EST in US.
10) GUID - Global unique identifier - 24 digit hexa decimal number which system will generate automatically
example : 23hgdh-12321h-12nb23-haifa9
Composite data types:
1) Arrays - collection of similar datatypes:
1) Index starts with 1
str names[11]; //static array
// dynamic array str names[]
names[1] = "Kabir";
names[2] = "Khan";
names[8] = "Alfasith";
2) Containers :
Large objects[BLOB] - Images, files, pdfs, vidoes etc