In Microsoft Dynamics AX Axapta, sometimes, we can to
insert/update/delete records in different companies or insert/update/delete
according to the company we are...
In Dynamics AX, exists the "changeCompany" function,
that allow us to do that easily.
Here's an example:
static void main()
CustTable custTable;
//Assume that you are running in company 'aaa'.
changeCompany('bbb') //Default company is now 'bbb'.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
//custTable is now
selected in company 'bbb'.
//Default company is again set back to 'aaa'.
changeCompany('ccc') //Default company is now 'ccc'.
//Clear custTable to let the select work
//on the new default company.
custTable = null;
while select custTable
//custTable is now
selected in company 'ccc'.
//Default company is again 'aaa'.