The purpose of this blog is for knowledge sharing and connect the relevant audience who are all into Microsoft Dynamics world.
Alfasith AX

اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Monday, February 22, 2021
How to achieve table relation in SQL without primary index 1:n
Thursday, February 18, 2021
RandomNumbers In AX /D365
static void CreateRandomNumbersInAX(Args _args)
RandomGenerate randomGenerate;
randomGenerate = RandomGenerate::construct();
randomGenerate.parmSeed(new Random().nextInt());
info(int2str(RandomGenerate.randomInt(0,2147483647))); //RandomInt(RangeFrom,RangeTo)
//Note: Range from should be more than natural number 0 and more.
To understand the formula behind this random number please refer randomInt() in RandomGenerate class.
The formula in randomNumber generation is not similar to library function of dotnet.
Note: We cannot treat this randomGenerated Values as primary key, this may repeat with same range.
GUID in AX 2012 / D365
//< What is GUID>
// GUID 16 bit large range of alphanumeric similar to RecID to treat as primary key of a table.
static void CreateGUIDInAX(Args _args)
str 60 strGuid;
info(Winapi::createGUID()); // Creates GUID and removes the braces
info(guid2str(newGuid())); // Creates GUID with braces
//NOTE: GUID is not a string so we needs to convert GUID to str for using...
note: Your output and mine needs to be same.
Get a table ID in SQL - D365
Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,
Hi, AccountingDistribution ( accounting distribution 7452 ) AccountingDistributionEventTmp ( accounting distribution 100001 ) Accountin...
//< What is GUID> // GUID 16 bit large range of alphanumeric similar to RecID to treat as primary key of a table. static void CreateG...