Record conflict errors.
You needs to block the records to your session these are the ways you can lock the table records.
1. ttsbegain and ttscommit will also plays this role.
2. OCCEnabled true the property in table level.
3. In X++
a. select statement.
select pessimisticLock purchTable where purchTable.PurchId == "XXXXX";
b. recordset statement.
update_recordSet pessimisticLock purchLine setting
RemainInventPhysical = 0,
RemainPurchPhysical = 0,
PurchStatus = PurchStatus::Canceled
where purchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId;
Record conflict errors.
You needs to block the records to your session these are the ways you can lock the table records.
1. ttsbegain and ttscommit will also plays this role.
2. OCCEnabled true the property in table level.
3. In X++
a. select statement.
select pessimisticLock purchTable where purchTable.PurchId == "XXXXX";
b. recordset statement.
update_recordSet pessimisticLock purchLine setting
RemainInventPhysical = 0,
RemainPurchPhysical = 0,
PurchStatus = PurchStatus::Canceled
where purchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId;