Alfasith AX

Alfasith AX
اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي، وَزِدْنِي عِلْمًا

Monday, December 30, 2013

An unbalanced X++ TTSBegin/TTSCommit pair has been detected .Cause of this include (a) too many/few TTSBegin or TTS Commit - Dynamic AX


An unbalanced X++ TTSBegin/TTSCommit pair has been detected .Cause of this include (a) too many/few TTSBegin or TTS Commit . The current TTS level is '1'

Just run this job and go head with your work above error will not come.

static void AlfasithResetTTS(Args _args)
while (appl.ttsLevel() > 0)


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

How to get navigation path in Dynamic AX


Please note that there is no navigation path as I highlighted. 
 2.Go to concern menu and select particular menu.
 3. Change the properties as Yes to IsDisplayedInContentArea
4.Then Look like this as per the menu position.

Data filtration in dialog box In Microsoft Dynamics AX

public class CustAmountCalculation extends RunBase
    DialogField fieldAccount;
    CustAccount custAccount;


    public Object dialog()

    Dialog dialog;
    DialogGroup groupCustomer;
    dialog = super();
    fieldAccount = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(custAccount), "CustomerAccount");
    return dialog;

    public boolean getFromDialog()
    custAccount = fieldAccount.value();
    return super();

    public container pack()
    return conNull();

    public void run()
    CustTable custTable;
    CustTrans custTrans;

    select sum(AmountMST) from custTrans where custTrans.AccountNum == custAccount;
    info("You have enetered customer information");
    info(strfmt("Account: %1", custAccount));
    info(strFmt("Amount: %1", custTrans.AmountMST));

    public boolean unpack(container _packedClass)
    return true;

    public static void main(Args _args)
    CustAmountCalculation custAmountCalculation = new CustAmountCalculation();
    if (CustAmountCalculation.prompt())

List of data validation methods on table level in Dynamic AX

The validation methods allow the programmer to verify that certain conditions are fulfilled before an action is executed.
In Axapta, methods of validation at two levels can be programmed:
1.                  Table
2.                  Origin of data of a form
It is important to know that the methods of validation of the tables are executed whenever they are introduced or erase registries. Whereas if the validation is made in the form, it will only work when we are working with that form.
1.                  Whenever it is possible, the validation of data must be made in the table.


The methods of validation in tables are the following ones:
It is executed when we move the cursor from a field from the form to another one, that is to say, when we left a field. It gives back a data of boolean type. If the result is false, the cursor will remain in the field.
The call to the super method () verifies the validation relations, that is to say, relations in a field where the Validate property has affirmative value. Therefore, we must respect the task made by this super method ().
1.                  Validations do not have to be codified that can be made with some property. Thus, we will avoid to write code in the ValidateField method if the conditions can be verified with the Validate property of a relation.
It is executed before inserting or updating a registry in the table. It gives back a data of boolean type. If it gives back false, the registry is not inserted or updates.
The call to the super method () examines all the fields to verify the value of the Mandatoryproperty. Therefore, we must respect the task made by this super method ().
1.                  We will avoid to introduce code that it verifies if a field has value, whenever we pruned to use the Mandatory property.
It is not necessary to forget, that often also we want to verify certain conditions before erasing a registry of a table. In order to do this, we used the ValidateDelete method ().
ValidateDelete () is called automatically from forms and is used to verify if the present registry can be erased.
The call to the super method () verifies if there are registries related in tables toDeleteActions of the Restricted type. If that is the case, the super method () gives back false. Therefore, we must respect the task made by this method.
1.                  Whenever we pruned to use a DeleteAction, we will avoid to introduce code in the ValidateDelete method.

Structure of the validation methods

In order to maintain a good structure of programming, he is recommendable that the code for the verifications is not located directly in these methods of validation. It is more advisable than we create verification methods that will be called from the methods of validation previously described.

Example of validation method
Boolean validateWrite ()
Boolean ret;
ret = checkSomething () && checkSomethingElse ();
return ret;
When some of the conditions is not fulfilled, the verification method must make two things:
1.                  to present/display to the user an error message
2.                  to give back the false value like result
The CheckFailed method (`Message of error') writes the text chain that receives as parameter in the information window (Infolog) and gives back the false value. Therefore, by means of the use of this method, we obtained simultaneously both objective.

Example of use of CheckFailed
Boolean checkSomething ()
Boolean ret;
if (! something)
ret = checkFailed (`Something is wrong');
return ret;
We could use the previous structure, but cases exist in which it interests to us to verify the same Something condition, present in the CheckSomething method (), without presenting/displaying no message to the user. In this case we would need an additional method, that verified the condition but that it did not show any message.
Nevertheless, this would not be very efficient, because we would be duplicating the verification code, therefore is more recommendable to create a called method Something (), to which we will be able to call when we want, that it will be in charge to make this verification.
We will have, in addition, to change the CheckSomething method (), so that it makes a call to this new method. The CheckSomething method () we will use it solely when we want to show a message the user.

Example of complete validation
Boolean something ()
if (! something)
return false;
return true;
Boolean checkSomething ()
Boolean ret;
if (! something ())
ret = checkFailed (`Something is wrong');
return ret;

We can consider a standard of nomenclature of Axapta, the use of the Check area code, in the name of all those methods that make a call to the global method CheckFailed (). Of this form we will know what methods present/display messages in the Infolog window.

Friday, December 6, 2013

what is the difference between index and indexhint in select statement in Dynamic AX


While fetching data from the database we use select statement and for better performance in data fetching we use an index/indexhint.

Index: when we use index in select statement it implies that the declare index field should behave as an order by and it is optional for the database to use. Database can use its own preference.

Index hint: it force the DB to use that index for fetch the data whether it is right choice or not


Monday, December 2, 2013

The SQL server reporting Service service is running -SSRS 2012

Solution for this error: 
The deployment was cancelled because of an error:
On the reporting server, |Verify that
The SQL server reporting Service service is running


1. Check Local business connector is optimum/ correct.
2. Check Domain business connector is optimum/ correct.
3. Put increment CIL
Now deploy it will be deployed.

Get a table ID in SQL - D365

Hi select ID from SysTableIdView where  SysTableIdView .Name = 'CustTable' Regards,